Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Friday Questions

A cold is a reminder for Ken just how much time is passing. What is one thing for you that reminds you that you're getting older? (151)

What factor of his life is Dryden missing to improve or maintain the skill he has? (156)

What keeps Dryden from experiencing the "romance" that comes along with winning a Stanley Cup? (161)

Which problem for Bill Nyrop kept him from becoming a substantial part of the Canadiens, besides injuries? How does this relate to Dryden? (163)

What has kept Larouche from sticking with the Canadiens and what does this show about their fan base's expectations about their players? (167)

Dryden says that he "wants a real chance to win every year", and then lists off scenarios of trades. How does this show Dryden's mindset to his team's approach to this season? (171)

Earlier, it was said that the Canadiens couldn't be like everyone else. What thing(s) during the practice showcase(s) that? (174-175)

Give some examples as to why money is a blessing and a curse to players, teams, and fan bases in the NHL. (178-183)

Why does Ken put almost no effort into his public relations? (187-190)

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