Monday, April 29, 2013

Tuesday Questions

How does Dryden act with his family? What might be the reason behind that sort of interaction? (22)

What do the attendance numbers at the PQ’s victory rally and the Canadiens game suggest about the mindset in Montreal? (24)

What are some of the biggest differences for Dryden and his wife when they first come to Montreal? (26-27)

Why does Dryden feel “no pressure to leave” Montreal, even with the culture shock that he is going through? (28)

How does the team deal with the two languages of Montreal inside and outside of the locker room? (29-30)

What does the group of children that hang around the Forum symbolize about life in Montreal? How do they help Dryden, in terms of his career? (33-34)
What is the team’s opinion of the governmental changes in Montreal? What does this say about the team’s mindset for its play? (36)

Who is responsible for pulling most of the pranks on the team and what effect does it have on the other Canadiens? (39)

Dryden describes the childhood life of a kid from Verdun, the town where his coach was born. What can be said about their active lifestyles and how does it affect Scotty Bowman, his coach, as an adult? (42)

How does Bowman’s career choice and Dryden’s career choice parallel and differ from each other’s? (43)

How do the players that play under Bowman usually feel about his coaching style? (43)

How many extra players do the Canadiens carry on their roster and what does it say about Bowman’s approach to different games? (48-49)

Why does Dryden think that Bowman “understands” him as a goalie and a person? (50)

How does Dryden’s initial reaction to the Soviet’s game style say about his mindset for this year and how could they be related? (51)

Dryden goes into great depth about his preparation for his first game against the Soviets. What could his preparation and reaction to the tie say about his mental capabilities? (51-52)

How does the team feel when Bowman changes the practice time? (53)

What do you think of the competition between “Bunny” and Dryden? What are Dryden’s sentiments about it? (56)

What does the locker room scene on page 58 tell us about the team’s resilience and ability to follow routines? (58)

How do you think “Bunny” feels when Dryden tells him that he’s going to retire at the end of the season? (58)

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